*** List of Natural sprays ***

*** Now I don't use any spray. My roses grow naturally. This is another trial-and-error method.

*** Rhubarb spray ***

At first I used rhubarb spray, for I found some books explaining that rhubarb spray had been used traditionally for roses because of the acid it contains.
I sometimes added Sage and Thyme extract to rhubarb leaf extract (original blend ?!)
It was actually effective, but there were some problems. First, I could make it only while rhubarb was growing. Secondly I had to make it just before I wanted to spray because the effect did not last long. Moreover it is poisonous! You must be very careful when you spray.

*** Baking soda spray ***

As for powdery mildew, you can control it changing PH on the surface of leaves. Baking soda spray is known as the medicine to control diseases of roses.
--- 2 grams per 1 liter of water ---
I add a few drops of liquid soap because of its adhesive power.
Baking soda spray is much effective than baking powder, of course.
This spray is not a perfect disease control spray. But I think it effective.

*** Vinegar spray ***

--- 50 ml of Vinegar per 1 liter of water ---
This is effective against powdery mildew. Wash the surface of the leaves with Vinegar spray and you can control powdery mildew. My neighbors must be surprised to see me wiping the rose leaves with some paper tissue for several hours beside roses.

*** Milk spray ***

Aphids are controlled by Milk spray.
They will dry together with milk when milk dries.
You must spray again and again.
Also please notice after drying, the parts you sprayed looks white.

*** Wood vinegar spray ***

Wood vinegar spray is very popular traditionally among Japanese organic farmers.
However, like the above other sprays they are not perfect deterrents.
Also please notice Wood vinegar spray is acid, so it is moderate toxicity but not poison.

*** Chinese medicine 'Azadiran' or 'Neemoil' ***

I use Chinese medicine 'Azadiran' or 'Neemoil'.
This is so effective against powdery mildew. In America it is known as Neemoil of Green Light Co.
It is basically oil, so handling is a little difficult. In cold days, it becomes solid, so you must use warm water to melt it. After using it, you must wash the vaporizer.
Also please notice 'Azadiran' or 'Neemoil' are protectant fungicide, so they are moderate toxicity but not poison.

(Don't use Azadiran for Paul's Himalayan Musk. The leaves get damaged. Please note Azadiran will cause damages for some roses.)

Thank you for reading. Please visit my site again, since I am still trying and I'd like to add more.
* As for the growing roses without chemicals, please refer to the following site (in Japanese).

* Growing Roses using Non-Synthetic Pesticides

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